Urgh. I'll be, indeed, forced to quit my "delicious" cancer-on-a-stick thingies. They kept me waking up breathless for the most of the night. So yeah, it was a shitty night. It's no use, my body simply rejects them after a while. They don't kill you at a fast enough rate to make it worth, all the coughing through the night...
Then I got here, early as ever, and I overheard the most recent "mother" we have at the office complaining about how she couldn't sleep...because her baby woke up at 1:30 just to go back to sleep around 5 AM.
Don't smoke, have kids instead!
Fuck off. I think I'm the winner on this one...at least I got to get up, inhale my medicine a lot until I was able to breathe again, then got back to sleep - no diaper change, no helpless cries through the night, nothing of sorts. I think about Hugo too, he's everyday complaining that he got no sleep because his kid wouldn't let them. Because he wanted to play, play NOW, at 2:30 AM.
Not even Gideon wants to play at the dead of night. He just stood there, looking at me while I regained my breath, a smirk on his face. Cheeky bastard, he is sometimes.
And here I am, another day off at the office. What the fuck am I supposed to do until 5PM?
Coffee. Lots of coffee...and cigarettes...if this is the last week of them, I'll make it worthwhile at least.