Here I was, mocking all this people I work with, and suddenly they hand me a candy bar attached to this thing, "Metas 2015" - Goals. Fuck goals. We never achieve goals. But let's all have a laugh, shall we?
First item in the list is...Spiritual Goals, which make me laugh out loud. Sorry, dudes, duddettes, ain't gonna lie to you. If there is a god, he's a mean old motherfucker son of a bitch. So, I'd put here, "Fuck you, leave me alone!"
Then come financial goals, short, medium and long time. Well, I just hope I have enough dough to make it thru another year. No savings, because I can't fucking save a penny. Yeah, how ironic is that? The bus fares goes up, but your salary stays the same shit. So, more discount on my shitty paycheck. And you expect me to have any goals? Fuck you, fuck you and fuck you.
Love Goals. I have no time for this bullshit. Ain't no fucking love, sweetheart, is just lust for sex, and lust for money to the richest part of the equation. So, fuck you.
Physical Goals - well, that I can relate to, but really, I don't need to plan them on a short, medium and long time. I'll just keep my routine, trying to leve up my strength, that's it.
Well, thanks for the candy, and fuck you for the goals.