quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009

Dog day afternoon.

And here I am once again. I'm pratically out of ideas today, due to a rather dog'ish day yesterday, which seemed to be an universal dog day. Everyone I've talked to had had a terrible day yesterday - family issues, crappy job issues, and so on.

It's kind of funny actually, how sometimes it seems that we're all on the same boat together, even being miles apart, personalities apart, etcoetera. Days like those get to reinforce my theory that we're all just playthings for a so-called "superior entity", that has a lot of fun watching us all struggle through our days, our banal battles.

Sometimes I do feel like a plaything, a toy for a god. It seems a bit too calculated, all those banal issues at our hands. Feels like someone is testing our strength, or more likely, just putting us through all these "trials" on purpose, to just have some fun.

And yes - it might be funny as hell to watch one's reaction to all these small issues. Yesterday, after having a rather miserable day here at this dead end job, I was so pissed, that might have been much fun to the Celestic Sarcastic to watch - a real prime time show.

I got to walk through cars and people, and I had all this anger and frustration inside of me. I wished everyone around me just dropped dead, just like that. I had a pretty rough time dodging them all, they've seem to be specially clumsy, just to add a little flavor to the show of the Bitter Hermit in the Attic.

I heard sirens and yelled, "It's a goddamned li! These fuckers have no fucking emergency at all, they're just cutting through traffic!" I got to my bus stop, crowded with FUMEC students, and I've grumbled loud enough for everyone to hear: " I don't know why these so-called students of such a mediocre college are here." I got on the extra-crowded bus, filled with these imbeciles, and grumbled once again, "Why there are so many stupid assholes in this fuckin' world?" and " Fuckin' students of a failed college! Y'all dumb as hell!"

And so on.

I guess it might have been pretty fun to watch a white trash guy like me ranting on about minor things like that. Irrelevant problems become heavy burdens, and it gets right on my frailed nerves. I can only imagine how laughable it was.

Like one of my buddies say, "That is why I DO believe in a god."

And that was just my dog day. I reckon, being a god, being omnipotent, that should give access to prime time shows like mine, all watchable at the same time. It should be a kick to watch us all suffering from such useless ordeals.

It must be nice to be a deity, indeed.