segunda-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2015

Rage Fit Aftermath.

Let me tell you, I'd rather be at work today.
Because being by myself in this attic is taking its toll.
Because I'm always alone, and these fucking piece of shit meds ain't working no more. The only use I see for the, is to fucking drain my salary by 80%. - to do nothing at all.(except Rivotril, that shit still works to put me to sleep)
Last night, I was on the infamous "zapzap" with a friend of mine, and the talk we had made me go on a fucking rampage. And since I can't play "Fight Club" on myself anymore, lest I'll be fucking fired on the spot, I've been gathering useless pieces of shit for me to destroy on such rampages.
And oh, the hatchet went down on them, yes it did - until it lost its destructive "head" - after all, it's a more than 100 years old tool.

Here are the results:

Yeah, that WAS a SSD disk, bt do not fret - it was useless. Not working.

I'm going crazy, and I know it.