Well, we were - I was, corrected - talking about how there is a first time for everything. I was feeling heartbroken, for the very first time.
Then it all changed when the "very special" friend I was talking about talked to me briefly through Fuckmyfacebook chat - she was denying me access.
She was blacklisting me.
She told me that she needed "some time alone" ---- does that sound familiar to anyone , if ever , out there?
I spent the rest of the fucking day trying to figure out what was that I did, for her to blacklist me.
I can't think of anything. I really can't.
You don't blaclist people without a reason. What was mine? What THE FUCK did I do wrong?
I still don't know.
Maybe I'll never know, at all.
I just can't think of anything offensive or idiotic that I did to her.
None. Is there really anything, She-wolf?
I took her friendship for granted. Maybe that was my mistake.
I dunno. All I know is that it changes everything.
Things will never be the same.
Everyone who's ever been blacklisted knows what I'm talking about.
If anyone reads this, yet.